CANSKATE Learn-to-Skate
CANSkate is Skate Canada's flagship learn-to-skate program, designed for beginners of all ages. When you sign up for CANSkate, you will be in a program that focuses on fun, participation, and basic fundamental skating skill development. You will earn badges, ribbons, and other incentives. Lessons are given in a group format with a maximum student to coach ratio of 10:1, and led by a nationally trained Skate Canada NCCP certified professional coach. Professional coaches are assisted by trained Program Assistants. Skaters progress at their own rate, and coaches make sessions active using teaching aids, music, and a wide variety of activities that create a fun environment that promotes learning. CANSkate is the feeder program to all other skating sports: figure skating, hockey, ringette, speed skating, and recreational skating.
*It is recommended that skaters at this level participate in at least
2 CANSkate sessions per week to progress at a faster rate.
5% discount offered to CANSkate skaters who register for 2 or more sessions per week.
Skaters must provide their own skates and CSA approved hockey helmet.
There are no skate rentals available.


All Skate Canada member clubs, and skating schools who offer a CANSkate program must ensure all CANSkate, and Adult CANSkate participants up to and including Stage 5, wear a CSA approved hockey helmet while on the ice. Bicycle helmets are not acceptable.
Clubs and skating schools must ensure this policy is enforced during all skating activities including competitions, carnival days or any other special on ice activities throughout the season for this level of skater.





Frequently Asked CANSkate Questions:
How old should my child be before they start skating lessons?
Most children are ready to “learn to skate” between the ages of 3 and 5 years.
My child is interested in hockey or ringette. Is this program geared only to figure skaters?
No. This program provides a solid background for all ice sports (including figure skating, hockey, ringette, and speed skating).
Does my child have to have previous skating experience before signing up for the program?
No. This program is suitable for new beginner skaters, as well as skaters with some skating experience. Skaters will be placed in groups based on their skill level, and work towards badges that match their skill.
My children have very different levels of skating experience. Can they all register for the same session?
All 6 levels of CANSkate are taught on the same session, so family members with different skating abilities can sign up for the same session and will be placed in different groups.
What is the Coach to Student Ratio?
Group sizes range from 5-10 skaters, and are taught by a nationally trained and certified Skate Canada Professional Coach, with the help of one or more trained Program Assistants. The maximum Coach to Student ration is 1:10.
Is the CANSkate program sufficiently advanced for my skater’s skills?
By the time they complete the CANSkate program, skaters should have several skating skills, including: fast forward and backward perimeter stroking, forward and backward crosscuts, side stops with speed, turns, basic spins and jumps.
If I am sure that my skater is too advanced for the CANSkate level, what is the next level option with your club?
Skaters can qualify for the Shining Stars Academy Program, which is an Early Figure Skating program geared toward motivated skaters between the ages of 4 and 7 years old. To accommodate older children at this level (aged 8 to 12 years), there is also the Star Academy Program which is a late entry Early Figure Skating program. Skaters at this level must wear good quality figure skates and a CSA approved hockey helmet; and be approved through an audition/assessment by the Director of Skating. For further information, or to schedule an audition/assessment, please email Shanelle Horobec (Director of Skating) at .
Is there a Power Skating Program at your club?
No. At this time, the Port Coquitlam Skating Club is not offering a Hockey/Ringette Skating Skills Development Program. In order to qualify for this program, skaters must be 7 years or older (Hockey Division U8 to Rep Level) with previous skating experience: the ability to skate forward & backward, and to stop on demand without use of the boards.
My child has previous experience in another program. How will they be placed in the CANSkate program?
All new CANSkate members are assessed by our Skate Canada Professional Coaches, and placed in the appropriate group as needed. A skater who comes from another Skate Canada club should provide their report card and will be placed in the appropriate group, based on the final standing at the other club.
Do I have to buy the skates and helmet or are they available for rent?
All participants must provide their own equipment: skates (figure skates or hockey skates), CSA approved hockey helmet (for all Port Coquitlam Skating Club members until completion of CANSkate Stage 5), warm clothing, and gloves or mittens. There are no skate rentals available.
Does my skater need a helmet if they can already skate?
Yes. It is mandatory for all skaters (until completion of CANSkate Stage 5) to wear a CSA (Canadian Standards Association) approved hockey helmet for insurance purposes and safety considerations.
If I forget a helmet, are there helmets available that my skater can borrow?
No. All helmets must fit properly to provide adequate protection and the POCO Skating Club cannot provide helmets.
Are the molded skates a good option?
No, because they cannot be “broken in” and are inflexible. They allow the skater less control; and your skater will progress at a slower rate.
How do I buy skates for my child?
There’s no such thing as weak ankles; however, there are many skates being sold with weak ankle support. Pay attention to the thickness of the leather in the ankle area. Look for thick leather in this area. They will mold to the feet over time. Your child should be able to wiggle their toes and the heel should fit snugly. A properly fitted skate is usually one size smaller than your normal shoe size. Avoid wearing thick socks. A thin acrylic blend of sock or stocking allows the skate to have a snug fit that allows the toes to be relaxed in the toe box. Skates can be purchased at either Skater’s Edge Boutique or Cyclone Taylor.
Do I really need to sign my child up for three seasons?
No, but skaters will progress faster if they skate each season, twice per week.
I’ve never registered with “POCO Skating Club” before. How do I create an account?
Go onto the “POCO Skating Club” website; click on Register, then it should take you to the Uplifter page to create a new account.
I have registered, but I also noticed additional fees added to my invoice. What are these fees?
There is an annual Skate Canada Membership fee, which is valid from Sept. 1, to Aug. 31. This fee is a mandatory insurance fee through Skate Canada.
I am having some trouble registering. Who can I contact for help?
Any inquiries regarding registration can be sent via email to and one of our board members or the Director of Skating will respond within 72 hours.
I paid a Skate Canada membership fee when my child joined the program? Will I have to pay this fee again?
The Skate Canada membership fee is an annual membership fee, and is valid from Sept. 1 to Aug. 31 of the following year, regardless of when you join the program. The fee is an insurance fee required by Skate Canada and is not retained by the club. This fee is non-refundable.
How do I withdraw from a session?
A credit to your account (to be used for future registrations) may be granted for medical reasons only (accompanied by a doctor’s note).
How do I transfer to another CANSkate class?
There is no automated system to do that at this time. Please email to request a class day change.
Can I move my child to a different class day for a couple of weeks due to a temporary conflict and then return to the original class day?
No. If there is space available, you can move your skater on a permanent basis, but you cannot move back and forth between class days.
If there are no spaces left in a class, do I have to pay to have my child’s name put on a wait list?
No. Skaters can be placed on the wait list and no payment is required until a spot becomes available.
How do I put my child’s name on the wait list?
If a class is full, instead of a “Register” button beside the session, there will be a “Wait list” button. When you click that button, the site will allow you to add a child from your profile to the wait list. Once a position has become available, you will be notified by email that a position is available. You can then log into the website and either register your child or remove them from the wait list to allow the next person on the list to take a spot. Once the position is offered, there will be a limited time to complete the registration.
Can I find out where my child’s name is on the wait list?
If you log into the website and click on “My Account” on the top right hand corner, you can then select “My Wait list” from the sub-menu on the left hand side. This list will display each of the programs and children who are on the wait list for each individual program along with their position on the list.
Will the wait list be carried forward to the next session?
No. Your skater’s name will be kept on the waiting list, without charge, until the registration deadline for the season. At this time the wait list will be cleared and names will not be carried forward for the following season.
Where can I get further information regarding private lessons?
Private lessons are provided to our higher level competitive skaters, and to the Teen/Adult session skaters. We do not provide private lessons to skaters at the CANSkate Learn-to-Skate level. Contact the POCO Skating Club Director of Skating, Shanelle Horobec, at for more information.
Can I drop my child off for skating lessons and leave the arena?
No. A parent or other responsible adult must be available at the rink during the sessions in case of an emergency.
Can I stand on the ice with my child if they are uncomfortable?
No. For insurance purposes, standing on the ice without wearing skates is strictly prohibited; and only Skate Canada registered members are permitted on the ice.
My skater will need to be absent from one of their skating lessons? Can my child attend another session to make up for the missed class?
Members are assigned to specific groups on the day for which they are registered and cannot attend a class on another day unless they make a permanent move to that class (which is only possible if there are spaces available).
If we have an extended vacation planned, can I register my child for only part of the lessons or get a refund for lessons missed?
Participants who go away on extended vacations cannot make up the missed classes on another class day or receive a refund for missed classes. Parents who opt to register for only the latter part of a session must wait until that date to register, and cannot request that space be held for their child.